Meet our Award Winners & Finalists
5pm-7pm, Wednesday, 29th May
Wine Bar, Empire Bar
220 Great Eastern Highway, Lathlain
Belmont Business ‘Ask an Expert’ Sundowner
Networking – every attendee will be invited to introduce themselves and their business
Guest Speakers:
Kimmaree Thompson (#thePOSITIVE) launching her new book ‘Why would I buy from you : The 8-step Value Proposition Workbook’. A must for all those with online shopping sites.
Dr Nickson Karie (NMCYBER) sharing his 10 Tips on keeping your business cyber safe.
Naomi Campbell (WA Vietnam Business Council) experiences from Vietnam through the New Colombo Plan and future trade opportunities.
Kelly Crossley (Transitainer WA) update on global supply chains, and tips on your international freight logistics.
Carol Hanlon (BEC National & TCF Australia) export training & mentoring advisory support to get export ready and expand your business around the globe.
BELMONT BEC ONLINE AUCTION opportunities to promote your business and assist our not-for-profit centre celebrating 31yrs of small business support services.
Build your Business Support Networks
Door Prizes: Belmont BEC $200 Bronze BBEC Membership
Autographed book ‘Why would I buy from you: The 8-step Value Proposition Workbook’ by Kimmaree Thompson
One-hour Digital Business or Strategy Session donated by #thePOSITIVE (value $250)
Become a Member Belmont BEC
FREE ENTRY | BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: Register online, email or ph. 9479 3777