Committee of Management
TCF WA Committee of Management
lrving Lane – Chair
Irving worked for 25 years in his family’s fashion business ‘Lanes’ and ‘Sportslane’ as a manager/buyer and subsequently general manager. The business was at one time the largest women’s fashion stores in Australia, and employed more than 100 staff. When the business which was started by Irving’s father and uncle closed in 2004, he took over managing a portfolio of commercial and residential properties. Irving has been a member of the TCFWA Committee since 2012, and is passionate about being able to assist many small fashion businessesJasmyn Mumme – Treasurer
Jasmyn is the Principal and Senior Debt Strategist for Active Debt Specialists, a debt solutions company providing debt negotiation and mediation services to small business and individuals. She has seventeen+ years of specialist experience facilitating agreements between debtors and creditors to avoid bankruptcy, keep assets and get everyone paid equitably. Real solutions. Jasmyn has also been on the National Board of Business & Professional Women Australia since 2001. Her passion is for small businesses owners to overcome setbacks and reach prosperity.
Carol Wallbank – Secretary
Carol Wallbank is currently proprietor of Create Enterprises which focuses on marketing, media, and business development for clients across a range of industries. Before running her own businesses, Carol worked in various financial services roles with IAG in Sydney and BankWest in Perth. Carol attained an MBA from Curtin University of Technology and also has a Graduate Certificate in Change Management from the University of NSW and a Diploma in Financial Markets
Margaret Sylvester – Committee
Margaret Sylvester is the owner of two businesses. Silver Star Designs and Learn to Sew. Silver Star Designs was established in 1993 and since then has found a niche in the market and the expanding business has thrived on providing Australians with unique ‘made to measure’ cantered on designer swimwear and beach attire, including fashionable cover-ups. Margaret has recently started a small business ‘Learn to Sew’ where she will teach clients how to recycle, restyle and sew their clothes into something creative, learning new skills, that can develop into a new altered garment. She has also helped and assisted with various fashion parades for the Textile Clothing Footwear Resource Centre of WA Inc. and Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc.
Kapila de Silva
A proactive, driven and highly accomplished Business Management Professional recognised for strategic ingenuity and insight in business and leadership. I have extensive experience in leading and achieving business transformation, process optimisation, change objectives and capability development goals. Backed by over 25 years of experience in various higher management positions such as General Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager, and Brand Activation Consultant, with continuous Improvement and Change Management across various sectors locally and internationally, I thrive in mentoring teams, driving strategic objectives in business excellence and transforming nascent ideas into productive and rewarding results. I have successfully managed various reputable multi-national brands such, as Dilmah tea, Cadbury, Boncafe, Berri, Beerenberg and Kimberly Clark.
Ricky Osborne – Committee
Ricky Osborne is the Managing Director of Jatu Clothing & PPE, a 100% Aboriginal family owned business supplying Workwear, Personal Protective Equipment, Corporate Clothing and Aboriginal designed products to the mining ,gas, Government sectors and Aboriginal organisations. His previous position was that of General Manager, Corporate Services for Ngarda Civil & Mining. Ricky has extensive experience in advocacy, management, leadership and coordination of relationships between commercial interests and Indigenous communities, government and non-government agencies and other stakeholders. The development, delivery and evaluation of adult education, training and employment policies and programs have been a particular focus of his career.